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2007 Friday Night Lights

September 1, The Woodlands

Thanks to Noel Hansen for this report.


The Woodlands	41	1st
Kingwood	43	2nd
Cinco Ranch	93	3rd
Lamar		118	4th
A&M		136	5th
Cy Fair		158	6th
Cy Woods 	165	7th
Klein		246	8th
Magnolia	262	9th
CY-Falls	306	10th
Langham Crk.	315	11th
Ft. Bend SFA	322	12th
Klein Collins	337	13th
Clear Brook	357	14th
Atascocita	427	15th
1	Fowler, Halsey		Lamar		11:54.29
2	Andrews, Sarah		The Woodlands	11:54.81
3	Hanselka, Kristen	Kingwood	11:57.48
4	Robetson, Brittany	Alvin		12:05.91
5	Peters, Nicole		Langham Crk.	12:16.13
6	Ruthan, Alli		Cinco Ranch	12:23.53
7	Sanders, Faith		Spring		12:24.19
8	Dalglish, Shawn		The Woodlands	12:16.54
9	Nicholls, Shelby	Kingwood	12:28.17
10	Quinn, Addie		Kingwood	12:18.94
11	Thompson, Samantha	The Woodlands	12:29.42
12	Pilipovic-Wengler, Nevena The Woodlands	12:30.42
13	Blake, Sophie		Kingwood	12:35.86
14	Goldsmith, Alyse	Cinco Ranch	12:40.71
15	Lyons, Margo		The Woodlands	12:42.88
16	Nicholls, Hailey	Kingwood	12:44.02
17	Gueriu, Bria		Lamar		12:46.15
18	Trapani, Lauren		Cy- Fair	12:46.65
19	Fitzgerald, Kylie	Cy Woods	12:51.13
20	Cohen, Eirann		The Woodlands	12:51.62
21	Bettiol, Jordan		A&M		12:52.50
22	Stone, Kristen		Cinco Ranch	12:53.47
23	Mahoney, Melissa	Cy Woods	12:54.07
24	Bottons, Shelby		Lamar		12:54.46
25	Sanchez, Erica		Clear Brook	12:55.81
26	Hays, Sally		A&M		12:56.26
27	Hartmann, Morgan	A&M		12:57.17
28	Cetina, Itzek		Cinco Ranch	12:58.92
29	Montgomery, Hillary	Klein		13:00.39
30	Steup, Rosemary		Kingwood	13:01.27
31	Williams, Katy		A&M		13:01.73
32	Bullard, Alex		Cinco Ranch	13:04.81
33	Smith, Brandy		Cy- Fair	13:06.57
34	Rembach, Jennifer	Cy- Fair	13:07.58
35	Jones, Anne		Lamar		13:08.28
36	Caylin			Ft. Bend SFA	13:10.54
37	Creasman, Elisabeth	The Woodlands	13:12.49
38	Sindlinger, Hannah	Kingwood	13:12.95
39	Jenkins, Awbuda		Cy- Fair	13:16.07
40	Dovall, Shiloe		Cy Woods	13:17.46
41	Green, Britney		Westfield	13:27.12
42	Klodzinski, Renee	Klein		13:30.39
43	Wood, Keri		A&M		13:33.05
44	Cloy, Taylor		Magnolia	13:34.16
45	Cullian, Kylie		Klein Collins	13:36.22
46	Fogle, Christina	Magnolia	13:38.46
47	Ramsey, Mallory		Cinco Ranch	13:39.18
48	Sampson, Abby		Cy Woods	13:44.31
49	Alford, Kerrie		Cy- Fair	13:45.14
50	Garcie, Kelly		Cy Woods	13:47.12
51	Jacobson, Shannon	Magnolia	13:47.51
52	Howard, Katie		Lamar		13:48.45
53	Amelia			Ft. Bend SFA	13:50.63
54	Garcia, Cristin		Cy- Fair	13:54.58
55	Carroll, Kendra		A&M		13:56.15
56	Subert, Camille		Cinco Ranch	13:57.99
57	Berry, Lyndsey		A&M		14:02.06
58	Rowdon, Camille		Lamar		14:04.92
59	Hopper, Jordan		Cy Falls	14:05.47
60	Brezina, S.		Friendswood	14:04.92
61	Waters, Lauren		Klein		14:05.47
62	Kriedie, Hiba		Kempner		14:06.07
63	Topete, Monsterratt	Cy Falls	14:12.58
64	Watson, Chelsey		Klein		14:15.20
66	Tiu, C.			Friendswood	14:19.45
67	Berry, Erika		Klein Collins	14:21.85
68	Henry, Allison		Cy Woods	14:22.27
69	Hold, Kylie		Cy Falls	14:23.71
70	Burito, Michelle	Langham Crk.	14:24:86
71	McKenna, Lauren		Cy Falls	14:29.16
72	Minton, Whitney		Cy- Fair	14:30.02
73	Peau, Audrey		Klein		14:32.43
74	Boyd, Bryttin		Magnolia	14:35.28
75	Tiu, M.			Friendswood	14:36.85
76	Toy, Katherine		Kempner		14:40.18
77	Methvin, Marissa	Magnolia	14:40.07
78	Hollek, Allison		Klein		14:43.55
79	Bradt, Laura		Clear Brook	14:44.46
80	Hunter, Claire		Cy Falls	14:37.41
81	Michelle		Ft. Bend SFA	14:48.01
82	Hill, Ashley		Atascocita	14:55.77
83	Crocker, Alyssa		Cy Falls	14:56.13
84	Burney, Maryum		Clear Brook	15:02.22
85	Hanes, Kyleigh		Klein Collins	15:04.62
86	Abadom, Zelda		Kempner		15:06.38
87	Curtis, Brooke		Langham Crk.	15:10.13
88	Frederick, Alici	a	Lamar	15:11.34
89	Sanders, Sarah		Klein Collins	15:12.64
90	Davis, Stephanie	Klein Collins	15:13.04
91	Casey			Ft. Bend SFA	15:14.74
92	Davis, Ashton		Langham Crk.	15:15.27
93	Olvera, Michelle	Atascocita	15:16.51
94	Marshall, Jenna		Atascocita	15:19.24
94	Gonzales, Yasi		Westfield	15:19.24
95	Gevaldo, Kaci		Klein Collins	15:27.11
96	Anderson, Jillian	Atascocita	15:28.19
97	Keidel, Gina		Kempner		15:29.05
98	Leduc, Tiffany		Klein		15:29.45
100	Missy			Ft. Bend SFA	15:30.11
101	Maria			Ft. Bend SFA	15:33.21
102	Nance, Jackie		Langham Crk.	15:34.43
103	Hamilton, Kerri		Atascocita	15:35.94
104	Hernandez, Magdalena	Atascocita	15:43.14
105	Brenda			Ft. Bend SFA	15:49.42
106	Butes, Noelle		Atascocita	15:55.41
107	Castenon, Kim		Clear Brook	16:12.98
108	Phillips, Whitney	Spring		16:14.28
109	Powell, Tabitha		Clear Brook	16:40.13
110	Aubin, Mary		Clear Brook	18:15.01
111	Garcia, Melissa		Spring		18:21.74


Team Scores	Points	Place
St. Johns	173	1
Kingwood Park	278	2
Brenham		301	3
Montgomery	305	4
Elsik		311	5
Katy  		315	6
Friendswood	334	7
Willis		336	8
Mayde Creek	349	9
Morton Ranch	353	10
Cooper		400	11
Cy Creek	400	12
Katy Taylor	412	13
Stratford	468	14
Conroe		474	15
Cy Ridge	487	16
Cy Woods	518	17
Oakridge	586	18
1	Schrader, Bree		Kingwood Park	12:27.6
2	Boice, Jessica		Kingwood  	12:55.5
3	Wells, Faybia		Willis		12:59.0
4	Munoz, Megan		Kingwood	12:59.8
5	Logan, Valerie		Kingwood	13:02.0
6	Andropoulos, Kate	The Woodlands	13:13.6
7	Murray, Colleen		The Woodlands	13:17.2
8	McHale, Liz		Oakridge	13:20.6
9	Howard, Grace		Cinco Ranch	13:21.1
10	Patin, Amber		Montgomery	13:23.5
11	Eber, Audrey		Elsik		13:24.1
12	Lee, Krea		Cy Creek	13:24.5
13	Reynolds, Catie		St. Johns	13:25.1
14	Balbutin, Isabel	Mayde Creek	13:25.6
15	Collazos, Sara		Cypress Ridge	13:28.0
16	Hawkins, Jasmine	Morton Ranch	13:28.6
17	Gamble, Meredith	St. Johns	13:29.2
18	Stemick, Laren		Cooper		13:30.1
19	Creasman, Kristy	The Woodlands	13:31.5
20	Murphy, Kathleen	Cooper		13:31.9
21	Heitzwebel, Emily	Kingwood	13:33.1
22	Johnson, Chelsea	Cinco Ranch	13:33.5
23	Peddy, Haley		Brenham		13:35.5
24	Watkins, Emily		St. Johns	13:38.1
25	Van Swinngen, Jessica	St. Johns	13:39.0
26	Tran, Ashley		Elsik		13:39.4
27	Garcia, Maria		The Woodlands	13:40.3
28	Mendoza, Victoria	Willis		13:40.6
29	Higgins, Kristin	Kingwood	13:40.9
30	Whitney, Lizzy		Montgomery	13:41.9
31	Ramsey, Meredith	Cinco Ranch	13:45.6
32	Cook, Kim		Kingwood	13:47.6
33	Branch, Sydney		Cinco Ranch	13:48.0
34	Mikeska, Amanda		Katy		13:54.1
35	Schrader, Maddee	Christian Liberty 13:55.2
36	Gonzales, Jackie	Cinco Ranch	13:56.0
37	Fischbuch, Sara		Kingwood	13:56.4
39	Pfeiffer, Maggie	Cinco Ranch	14:00.0
40	Whittemore, Caitlin	The Woodlands	14:01.0
41	Whittaker, Taylor	Brenham		14:05.9
42	Williamson, Kendra	Lamar		14:07.1
43	Bucheler, Jessica	Lamar		14:07.5
44	Armstrong		Friendswood	14:08.2
45	Kuzma, Amber		Katy Taylor	14:13.7
46	Burrell, Kalen		Morton Ranch	14:14.8
47	Campos, Christal	Mayde Creek	14:18.3
48	Machadl, Christina	Lamar		14:19.8
49	Laster, Charissa	Brenham		14:20.5
50	Devany, Jenny		Stratford	14:21.1
52	Berton, Laura		Cy Creek	14:21.9
53	Saenz, Esther		Willis		14:22.5
54	Lenney, Meredith	Cinco Ranch	14:22.9
55	Richardson, Renee	Lamar		14:25.2
56	Steritz, Melissa	The Woodlands	14:26.8
57	Holloway, Jolan		Elsik		14:26.5
59	Fergusor, Christina	Montgomery	14:28.4
60	Underwood, Gaby		Conroe		14:28.7
61	Wood 			Friendswood	14:29.7
62	Fletcher, Grace		Kingwood Park	14:30.1
63	Berry, Ali		Lamar		14:30.8
64	Hanson, Christina	Katy		14:31.1
65	Marceaux, Darian	Katy		14:31.5
66	Guindi, Andrea		The Woodlands	14:32.4
67	Martin, Brandi		Cypress Ridge	14:32.8
68	Smothers, Hannah	Kingwood Park	14:33.1
69	Black, Kacie		Kingwood Park	14:33.4
70	Chidester		Friendswood	14:33.9
71	Fay, Kelsey		Katy Taylor	14:34.3
72	Braly, Virginia		Katy Taylor	14:34.8
73	Diaz, Stephanie		Morton Ranch	14:37.3
74	Miller			Friendswood	14:39.3
75	DeLaFuente, Erica	Katy		14:39.9
76	Harvery, Payton		Kingwood Park	14:41.4
77	Edwards, Lindsey	Katy		14:43.0
78	Shedd, Lauren		Mayde Creek	14:44.1
79	Deranck, Andrea		Montgomery	14:47.7
80	Romanoski, Rachel	Katy		14:50.0
82	Brokken, Kirstyn	Cy Woods	14:51.9
83	Reed, Beheira		Elsik		14:52.2
84	Bannett, Desirrae	Cy Creek	14:52.5
85	Dunn			Friendswood	14:52.9
87	Brewer, Ashley		Conroe		14:54.4
88	Oliver, Abigail		Cy Woods	14:55.5
89	Campos, Ashley		Morton Ranch	14:56.0
90	Lindig, Joy		Stratford	14:56.8
91	Taylor			Ft. Bend SFA	14:57.8
92	Arnold, Lauren		Brenham		14:58.3
93	Hendrickson, Lillis	Stratford	14:58.7
94	Hicks, Mackenzie	St. Johns	15:01.3
95	Mercer, Allison		Cy Woods	15:03.6
96	Garcia, Celeste		Brenham		15:04.7
97	Leyden, Carlene		Stratford	15:05.7
98	Fontchou, Nelly		St. Johns	15:06.5
99	Roe, Lindsay		Lamar		15:07.5
100	Dunlap, Emily		Cooper		15:08.4
101	Tabora, Anabel		Conroe		15:09.9
102	Karlovitz, Katie	Katy Taylor	15:12.3
103	Perez, Laura		Mayde Creek	15:12.9
104	Kelley, Sarah		Katy		15:15.6
105	Crystal			Ft. Bend SFA	15:16.2
106	Thibodeaux, Christian	New Caney	15:16.7
107	Reed, Stephanie		Mayde Creek	15:17.2
108	Campos, Rachel		Conroe		15:17.8
109	Mertz, Hailee		Brenham		15:18.1
111	Gernold, Allison	Cy Creek	15:19.3
112	Nelson, Amanda		Cypress Ridge	15:20.2
113	Cain, Teri		Oakridge	15:21.5
114	Digel, Haley		Oakridge	15:25.7
115	Pike, Danielle		St. Johns	15:26.5
116	Rodriguez, Caitlin	New Caney	15:27.5
117	Vierus, Sarah		Brenham		15:28.0
118	Vaughn, Nikki		Conroe		15:30.9
119	Nelson, Emma		Willis		15:32.4
120	Wood, Kristen		Lamar		15:32.8
121	Morrison, Jessica	Conroe		15:33.3
122	Daniel, Hailey		Katy Taylor	15:33.8
123	Hale, Meredith		Cooper		15:35.8
124	Reeder, Caroline	Katy Taylor	15:36.1
125	Barriault, Merruth	Katy Taylor	15:36.5
126	Hernandez, Karol	Klein Forest	15:36.9
127	Aqvado, Rosie		Montgomery	15:37.4
128	Kingston, Callie	Cy Woods	15:38.8
129	Lerro, Nicolette	Morton Ranch	15:40.0
130	Pistrumi, Ami		Morton Ranch	15:41.4
132	Perez, Erica		Cypress Ridge	15:43.8
133	May, Caitlyn		Willis		15:46.7
134	Tellez, Luisa		Elsik		15:47.2
135	Quinlan, Haley		Cy Woods	15:48.0
136	Lagrone, Skylar		Oakridge	15:48.5
137	Bache, Emily		Montgomery	15:48.8
138	Uherek, Reagan		Stratford	15:49.6
139	Nunez, Maripau		Cooper		15:50.1
140	Twyford			Friendswood	15:50.8
141	Barnett, Areal		Cy Creek	15:51.6
142	Nelson, Heather		Stratford	15:54.6
143	Wagner, Melissa		Oakridge	15:54.8
144	Hernandez, Valerie	Klein Forest	15:55.8
145	Armstrong, Courtney	Morton Ranch	15:57.8
146	Casanova, Jessica	Cy Creek	16:00.9
147	Johnson, Diana		Cooper		16:03.0
148	McGuire, Mycah		Conroe		16:05.3
149	Khan, Nadia		Mayde Creek	16:06.7
150	Messenger, Grace	Mayde Creek	16:08.9
151	Juarez, Raquel		Klein Forest	16:16.2
152	Rodriguez, Veronica	Jersey Village	16:20.5
153	Fanali, Rebecca		Willis		16:23.6
154	Reese, Nikki		New Caney	16:32.2
155	Lewis, Shaleah		Klein Forest	16:32.6
156	Tran, Nicole		Langham Creek	16:37.5
157	Julie			Ft. Bend SFA	16:38.9
158	Albrect, Nicole		Oakridge	16:46.4
159	Williams, Keowha	Langham Creek	16:51.9
160	Tverbakk, Veronica	Jersey Village	17:09.3
161	Olivares, Jessica	Cypress Ridge	17:12.2
162	Gambhir, Jessica	Jersey Village	17:13.5
163	Diaz, Luci		Langham Creek	17:20.8
164	Hervert, Dennise	Langham Creek	17:21.7
165	Gallow, Kristin		Atascocita 	17:22.2
166	Olivarez, Danielle	Atascocita 	17:42.2
168	Diane			Ft. Bend SFA	17:47.3
169	Olivares, Ivette	Cypress Ridge	17:49.9
170	Kirby			Ft. Bend SFA	18:00.0
172	Ng, Loraine		Spring Woods	18:06.7
173	Campos, Jessica		Cypress Ridge	18:12.1


The Woodlands	26	1st
Cedar Park	72	2nd
Cinco Ranch 	111	3rd
Kingwood	135	4th
Klein Oak	150	5th
Strake Jesuit	158	6th
Magnolia	183	7th
Friendswood	236	8th
Clear Lake	243	9th
Lamar		243	10th
Kempner		260	11th
Morton Ranch	343	12th
St. Pius	367	13th
Cy Woods	397	14th
Killeen Shoemaker 411	15th
Ft. Bend Travis	440	16th
Klein Collins	455	17th
1	Connor, Reed		The Woodlands	14:31.76
2	Nixon, Layne		The Woodlands	14:47.26
3	Spearman, Richie	The Woodlands	14:53.27
4	Brown, Chad		Clear Lake	14:55.72
5	McIllece, Jay		Cedar Park	14:56.03
6	Flowers, Zack		Cinco Ranch	14:56.21
7	Bennett, Ryan		Kingwood	14:56.87
8	Cook, Michael		Magnolia	14:57.11
9	Young, Bryce		The Woodlands	15:00.55
10	Webb, James		Strake Jesuit	15:02.01
11	Wang, Tim		The Woodlands	15:09.92
12	Warren, J		Klein Oak	15:10.73
13	Mcillece, Bobby		Cedar Park	15:14.64
14	D'Ermao, Joey		St. Pius	15:18.11
15	Bushong, Sam		Cedar Park	15:23.82
16	Krohn, Austin		Cedar Park	15:25.11
17	Dohner, R.		Klein Oak	15:26.82
18	Yale, Alex		Kingwood	15:29.69
19	Niccum, Blake		Lamar		15:31.75
20	Herrington, Will	Strake Jesuit	15:32.81
21	Blakeley, Mitch		The Woodlands	15:34.25
22	Cuadra, Gabe		Friendswood	15:35.97
23	Wrobler, Ben		Cedar Park	15:36.77
24	Wilkinson, Scott	Cinco Ranch	15:38.32
25	Dermit, Justin		Cinco Ranch	15:39.20
26	Cetina, Raul		Cinco Ranch	15:42.04
27	Wilkson, Brandon	Cedar Park	15:44.99
28	Dalal, Shalin		Kempner		15:46.03
29	Jordan, Anthony		Magnolia	15:50.77
30	Stredny, George		Cinco Ranch	15:53.03
31	Rodriguez, Albert	Lamar		15:53.57
32	Valdez, T.		Klein Oak	15:55.05
33	York, Greg		Strake Jesuit	15:58.54
34	Jordan, Dayne		Magnolia	15:59.30
35	Harris, Jared		Kingwood	15:59.50
36	Hermes, Nick		Magnolia	16:00.23
37	Smith, Kyle		Kingwood	16:00.81
38	Hayes, David		Kingwood	16:02.25
39	Miller, Ben		Cinco Ranch	16:02.72
40	Geerts, Austin		Cedar Park	16:03.50
41	unk			unk		16:06.70
42	Brentin, Jack		Strake Jesuit	16:08.68
43	Goldon, Michael		The Woodlands	16:10.29
44	Korang, Kwadwo		Lamar		16:10.80
45	Widener, C.		Klein Oak	16:13.19
46	Politis, A.		Klein Oak	16:14.89
47	Dubose, Josh		Friendswood	16:15.12
48	Hampton, Errol		Kempner		16:15.46
49	Marinko, Cole		Morton Ranch	16:16.66
50	Swindler, Brandon	Friendswood	16:16.99
51	Buxton, Spencer		Ft. Bend Travis	16:17.16
52	Cortez, Matt		Kempner		16:17.81
53	Morgan, Zach		Clear Lake	16:18.79
54	Soto, Alex		Morton Ranch	16:22.94
55	Roach, Colin		Strake Jesuit	16:23.10
56	Talamantes, Marco	Lamar		16:24.39
57	Trujillo, Felix		Kingwood	16:25.39
58	James, Blake		Friendswood	16:27.60
59	Lebeau, Chris		Clear Lake	16:30.30
60	Koistinen, David	Kempner		16:31.52
61	Builes, Blake		Kingwood	16:32.15
62	unk			unk		16:34.53
63	Martinez, Dustin	Friendswood	16:37.56
64	Lovallo, John		Clear Lake	16:38.25
65	Jones, Janothan		Westfield	16:39.21
66	unk			unk		16:42.07
67	Collins, James		Strake Jesuit	16:44.17
68	Wood, Ryan		Friendswood	16:46.67
69	Escobar, Andres		Cy Woods	16:49.92
70	Jayant, Nishaht		Clear Lake	16:50.66
71	Christiansen, Tyler	Clear Lake	16:55.56
72	Nation			Klein Oak	16:57.63
73	Ayala, Miguel		Morton Ranch	16:59.81
74	White, Travis		Klein Collins	17:10.40
75	Howard, Alfred		Killeen Shoemaker 17:22.36
76	Florez, Vince		Cy Woods	17:23.58
77	Dalal, Shanup		Kempner		17:25.81
78	Grudier, Nathan		Magnolia	17:27.61
79	Zambrana, Justin	Killeen Shoemaker 17:32.04
80	Lane, Michael		Ft. Bend Travis	17:40.63
81	Gray, Jarod		Killeen Shoemaker 17:43.39
83	Deines, Trevor		Cy Woods	17:46.99
84	Vasquez, Josh		St. Pius	17:49.85
85	Stanaland, Justin	Cy Woods	17:50.79
86	Coronado, Jeremey	Morton Ranch	17:51.04
87	Frasier, Daniel		Klein Collins	17:51.78
88	D'Ermo, Jake		St. Pius	17:53.25
89	Ross, Donald		Lamar		17:56.57
90	Cardillo, Patrick	Morton Ranch	17:57.01
91	Gomez, Jose		Morton Ranch	17:58.15
92	Blakeley, Micahel	Killeen Shoemaker 17:59.00
93	Ochoa, Joseph		St. Pius	18:00.24
94	Douglass, Eric		Morton Ranch	18:01.39
95	Cruz, Mitchel		Magnolia	18:01.97
96	Green, Jamal		Killeen Shoemaker 18:03.37
97	Lundquist, Justin	Cy Woods	18:17.16
98	Krezinski, Matt		Cy Woods	18:34.79
99	Dumar, Sherman		Cy Woods	18:37.37
100	Garcia, Ray		St. Pius	18:39.87
101	Coronado, Pedro		Klein Collins	18:45.12
102	Clawson, Kyle		Ft. Bend Travis	18:45.29
103	Smith, Zach		Klein Collins	18:54.11
104	unk			unk		18:58.24
105	Davila, Chris		Klein Collins	19:08.08
106	Albers, John		Klein Collins	19:08.26
107	unk			unk		19:14.84
108	unk			unk		19:59.67
109	DiValerio, Rob		St. Pius	20:04.30
110	Flowers, James		Killeen Shoemaker 21:02.36
111	Clemons, Robert		Killeen Shoemaker 21:22.44
112	Lau, Conner		Ft. Bend Travis	21:23.05
113	Temple, Cameron		Ft. Bend Travis	22:08.82
114	Nemariam, Daniel	Ft. Bend Travis	23:07.25


Atascocita	80	1st
Katy Taylor	179	2nd
A&M		179	3rd
Brenham		187	4th
Oakridge	198	5th
Willis		218	6th
Klein Forest	225	7th
Luling		227	8th
Conroe		324	9th
John Cooper	331	10th
St. Johns	347	11th
CyFair		350	12th
CyFalls		497	13th
Spring Woods	500	14th
Montgomery	505	15th
Katy  		589	16th
CyCreek		638	17th
Langham Creek	643	18th
CyRidge		676	19th
Briarwood	764	20th
1	Bussing, Austin		Katy Taylor	15:29.19
2	Campbell, Justin	Conroe	15:33.25
3	Valentine, Quinn	The Woodlands	15:35.82
4	Adams, Ian		The Woodlands	15:46.56
4	Antkowaiak, Will	Brenham	15:46.56
5	Rovegno, Matt		Katy Taylor	15:50.67
6	Wells, David		Brenham	15:53.78
7	Hernandez, Matt		Klein Forest	15:55.28
8	Falcon, Carlos		St. Johns	15:55.90
9	Williams, Joey		Cinco Ranch	15:58.41
10	Weatherly, Ryan		Cinco Ranch	15:58.79
11	Renteria, Richard	Cy Creek	15:59.20
12	Keller, Stephen		Kingwood	15:59.38
13	Dominguez, Cruz		Luling	16:00.22
14	Cassrry, Tim		John Cooper	16:04.57
15	Urroznelli		John Cooper	16:04.80
16	Zimmer, Ben		Kingwood	16:05.22
17	Daum, Karl		Clear Lake	16:05.65
18	Hall, Jesse		A&M	16:07.63
19	Case, Stephen		A&M	16:08.96
20	Florian, Chris		A&M	16:10.31
21	Nichols, Jeff		Willis	16:17.19
22	Mendoza, Abe		Atascocita	16:20.79
23	Young, Pierce		Brenham	16:28.21
24	Walters, AJ		Willis	16:30.48
25	Smith, Aaron		Oakridge	16:31.76
26	Frustaci, Matthew	Kingwood	16:32.64
27	Corbett, David		Willis	16:33.04
28	Elliott, Eric		St. Johns	16:33.84
29	Hilburn, Drew		Oakridge	16:34.91
30	Perez, Isacc		Elsik	16:35.44
31	Maia, Ryan		The Woodlands	16:35.65
32	Martinez, Derek		Cy Fair	16:39.90
33	Jefferies, Alex		Strake Jesuit	16:40.92
34	Loera, Juan		Klein Forest	16:44.25
35	Day, Pat		Cinco Ranch	16:45.40
36	Rodgers, Joe		Klein Forest	16:47.03
37	Mann, Brian		Oakridge	16:47.46
38	Redman, Chris		Strake Jesuit	16:51.15
39	Mazone, Joseph		Oakridge	16:52.77
40	Gard, Bobby		Atascocita	16:
41	Holt, Spencer		Atascocita	
42	Botusan, V.		Klein Oak	
43	Alradel, Ali		Kingwood	
44	Holobowitcz, David	Montgomery	
45	Barrett, Ben		Strake Jesuit	
46	Razo, Jose		Spring Woods	
47	Mayo, Max		Katy Taylor	
48	Benitez, Eric		Conroe	
49	Reyes, Jose		Luling	
50	Martinez, Ruben		Willis	
51	Miller, Max		Katy Taylor	
52	Lopez, Edwin		Luling	
53	Rio, Antonio		Luling	
54	Whitted, Kyle		Clear Lake	
55	Davis, Jeff		Klein Forest	
56	Warehim, Eric		Clear Lake	
57	Teinert, Chase		A&M	
59	Brann, Case		Strake Jesuit	
60	Escalante, Marc		Luling	
61	Stevens, Michael	Atascocita	
62	Cunningham, Mark	Cy Fair	
63	Williams, Cameron	Clear Lake	
64	Speer, Henry		Brenham	
65	Edwards, Tyler		A&M	
66	Concienne, Mk		Atascocita	
67	Salazar, Stephen	Atascocita	
68	Ruiz, Edward		Oakridge	
69	unk			unk		
70	Turley, Patrick		Clear Lake	
71	Pereida, Mark		Cy Falls	
72	Salinas, Juan		Luling	
73	Kaelin, Brennyn		Cy Falls	
74	Buchelew, Blake		Montgomery	
75	McLean, Kevin		Katy Taylor	
76	Gregory, James		Friendswood	
77	Anderson, Philip	Cy Fair	
78	Chapman, Henry		St. Johns	
79	Olmos, Jon		Katy 	
80	Stapleton, Tyler	Atascocita	
81	Razo, Jaime		Spring Woods	
82	James, Jack		A&M	
83	Franks, Sean		Langham Crk.	
84	Hume, Mark		Cy Fair	
85	Estrada, Edgar		Conroe	
86	Harring, M.		Klein Oak	
87	Ruiz, Adrian		Montgomery	
88	Quintero, Luis		John Cooper	
89	Holcomb, James		Luling	
90	Stevens, Sean		Brenham	
91	Garcia, Jason		Conroe	
92	Williams, Coby		Cy Falls	
93	Hassan, Jamal		Klein Forest	
94	Ellis, Carl		Friendswood	
95	Zysk, Chris		Cy Fair	
96	Raya, Juan		Willis	
97	Hernandez, Matt		Cy Ridge	
98	Lugo, Ricky		Conroe	
99	Lopez, Pete		Cy Ridge	
100	Bolton, Andrew		Briarwood School	
101	Key, Evan		Cy Fair	
102	Schramm, Patrick	Strake Jesuit	
103	Kimler, Kane		John Cooper	
105	Wendes, Nick		Clear Lake	
106	Citels, Tyler		St. Johns	
107	Lowery, RJ		Friendswood	
108	Swindler, Dustin	Friendswood	
109	Bell, Josh		Friendswood	
110	Craig, Matt		Friendswood	
111	unk			unk	
112	Cheun, Jeff		Strake Jesuit	
113	Rowe, Daniel		Katy	
115	Butcher, Keaton		Cy Creek	
116	Catillo, Jose		Spring Woods	
117	Uriostegoi, Adrian	Spring Woods	
118	unk			unk	
119	Wright, Jonathon	Katy Taylor	
120	Serrano, Ryan		Willis	
121	Calhoun, Daniel		Cinco Ranch	
122	Dubon, Jose		Conroe	
123	Pereida, Mark		Cy Creek	
124	Infante, Julio		Cy Falls	
125	Cain, John		Kingwood	
126	Agnew, Ryan		Kingwood	
127	Holfenstein, Julian	St. Johns	
128	McDonald, Blake		Friendswood	
129	Lammers, Kevin		Katy Taylor	
130	Bennett, Mitchell	Langham Crk.	
131	Brilaitis, Stephen	Langham Crk.	
134	Sallee, Jordan		Langham Crk.	
135	Freidrich, Joel		Langham Crk.	
136	Johnson, Daniel		Cy Ridge	
137	O'Neil, Ben		Cy Falls	
138	Smith, Andrw		Conroe	
139	unk.			Langham Crk.	
140	Rodriguez, Oswaldo	Spring Woods	
141	Fox, Conner		John Cooper	
142	Matthew, Ben		Montgomery	
143	Yale, Preston		Cy Creek	
144	Butterworth		Katy	
145	unk.			unk	
146	Black, Aaron		Cy Creek	
147	unk			unk	
148	Muskiet, David		Cy Falls	
149	Ton, Brian		Elsik	
150	Krotzer, Bill		Kingwood	
151	Hensely, Chris		Katy	
152	Gunn, Justin		Cy Creek	
153	Letsow, Chris		St. Johns	
154	unk			unk	
155	unk			unk	
156	Earley, James		Briarwood School	
157	unk			unk	
158	Hall, Chase		Montgomery	
159	Patel, Jay		Katy	
160	Kirk, Alex		Katy	
161	unk			unk	
162	unk			unk	
163	unk			unk	
164	unk			unk	
165	Blazek, Race		Briarwood School	
166	Valles, Eric		Spring Woods	
167	Jue, Erik		Katy	
168	Ruiz, Jon		Briarwood School	
169	unk			unk	
170	unk			unk	
171	Mann, James		Cy Ridge	
172	unk			unk	
173	Chassional, Sam		Cy Ridge	
174	Rayzor, Brandon		Brenham	
175	Brougher, Blake		Briarwood School	
176	unk			unk	
177	Thomas, Sam		Briarwood School	
178	Kelly, Kyle		Briarwood School	


Copyright © 2008 Phil Murray